Monthly Archives: November 2008

Heartsick: Prop. 8 passed

UPDATE: Although the news media is announcing that Prop 8 passed, apparently as many as 2 million more votes (absentee) still need to be counted.

This is an oportunity to make magic. If you believe in human rights, please send a little energy (or a lot, as you see fit) to work some juju and see this rude, nasty, discriminatory proposition rejected. Every vote counts, and magic works best behind the scene.

Pass this along. Spread the word. Send the energy.


Apparently California has approved the ban on same-sex marriages. To paraphrase what one person said, so eloquently: The rights of farm animals were protected and the rights of humans rejected.

Maybe its time we came at this from the other direction? Maybe its time to make marriage the truly religious sacrament that the supporters of male-female only people make it out to be. Eliminate all benefits: visitation rigths, taxes, automatically benefiting from the partner’s death . . . all of it.

That would go a long way towards healing the discrimination. Because it is discrimination. And it stinks.

2008 Litany of the Dead

Samhain Litany of the Dead

October 29, 2008 CE

Dagonet Dewr, Compiler –

Celayne, Co-Compiler

Feel free to reproduce with attribution

As always, this is done by research and accumulating information throughout the year. I may have — no, I’ll guarantee I did — miss people, especially in the Pagan section. For that, I apologize in advance.

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