Monthly Archives: December 2021

Exciting times coming

I’ve got a release date and (pretty firm) title for the new book! A Witch’s Guide to Crafting Your Practice will be released October 2022. I’m quite excited, and hoping to put together a book launch around that time.

As well, my new website — — will launch on January 3rd. Meant to be a single source for all of my projects, these blog posts will ‘port over there.

Happy New (Calendar) Year!


Grieving My Whole Life

Autumn is a liminal time for me, a place where we move from one state of being into another. Most of my life, its been a time of massive energy, a shifting from the slow relaxing days of summer into the increased pace of back-to-school or oh-look-year-end-is-coming of work. September has always been a shift into a higher gear, one that doesn’t ease off until January.

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