is finally here. Two weeks ago we had snow, last weekend it was sleet and hail. Today I awoke to sunshine, and the realization that the heater hadn’t turned on once last night.
So today I am gardening. I have several new planters that I am installing on the front porch. After a run to the nursery, I’ll be adding dirt, then planting jasmine and clematis. There should be enough sun to make them happy, and I want a shaded porch during the summer. Lavender and allysium seeds will go into various pots to make this year’s garden, and more allysium seeds will be sprinkled at the roots of the vines (clematis doesn’t like to have too much light at its base) for ground cover as well as to provide some interest while the vines settle and start growing. And the foxglove I tried to plant next to my rose bush made it through the winter, but it wants a big pot to settle into — the ground is too hard and full of clay for it to be really happy.
I have a number of houseplants that want re-potting and some cuttings that want to find a new home. The hardest part here is that I’m not quite sure I have enough space for them to live inside the home. It may be time to give some away to friends.
What a great way to get into spring.
J. will be planting a series of window boxes along the railing on our back deck. He knows exactly what he wants to plant there, but can’t tell me the name of the flower. (I think its geraniums, but it might be marigolds.) He’s also going to try planting a rose bush for me to go along with the lilies that are doing just fine and starting to grow once again. (I point this pout because we’ve never dug up the bulbs or split them or anything. They just got planted and grow, bloom, then die only to regrow the next spring.)
Hmmm. I wonder if we have enough pots?