So, I’m a married woman now. 🙂
The day went beautifully. Every said they loved the ceremony, were really touched by the words we wrote (and impressed we didn’t borrow from others [except for the readings]). Quite a few asked if we would share them, and I’ve committed to doing a digital scrapbook (post honeymoon!) of the wedding experience.
A few glitches occured, pretty much par for the course. But overall, the day went beautifully. It was exactly what we’d hoped it would be. Which is saying a lot considering all of the moving pieces.
When J and I stepped into the room, listening to our music, everything we rehearsed went *right out* of my head. I was so glad I’d made the ‘chap’ books with our calls and vows. All along I just followed the cues, I had no idea what we were going to do next! The Irish Blessing got most of my family (arm pump!), and John got a bit of a joke in — making it very much OUR wedding.
The food was magnificent. I wish I’d had more of the appetizers — and there was one waiter who tried to get me a bit of everything, when he could find me. But of cours I was buzzing around and having pics taken and . . . ah well, the life of a bride.
The musicians were great, we were pleased to buy them a drink as thanks for their work. “Achieved is the Glorious Work”  was our recessional . . . and indeed the Work is gloriously achieved. 🙂
And our guests! They all looked FABULOUS. They guys clean up well (VERY well!) and the ladies were gorgeous. Everyone seemed to have a great time, and new friends were made. We were hoping for that, but it requires a bit of magic.
But, I’ll tell you a secret — I got the best present, the best news of the day, towards the end of the reception. My sister Jamila had her baby! Its been a long five years for her and her husband and she’s over 40 now, so this is the last chance. Beautiful Shayna is now in our world and the best gift I could have been given. (Because, you know, its all about me.)
So happy for you both!