Author Archives: lisa

The Torch Passes

On Wednesday afternoon my grandmother (mother’s mother) died. She has been dwindling for more than a month now, so it wasn’t unexpected, just (as death always is) a surprise. My mother was there, singing songs to her (Angel Band, apparently) and was able to witness the moment. It was quiet and peaceful.

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Since my vacation . . .

Presenting for your admiration 🙂 . . .




They were cautious kitties at first, but Roland was soon purring like mad and playing with me.  Kit is a bit mor reserved. Sasha is *fascinated* by what is behind the closed door. She barked a couple of times, but has learned that we don’t allow that. So now she lies down with her nose right at the door sill and tries to sniff out what’s happening.

We showed everyone to each other yesterday afternoon. Roland was curious. Kit hissed and got puffy in my arms. We tried it again this morning with Sasha lying down and everyone was very calm; the cats were far more interested in what was behind Sasha — more rooms to explore.

Dancing with Mercury, Backwards: Doing More Than Just Surviving Mercury Retrograde

I was talking with a woman at the gym the other day and she told me a story about trying to meet up with a friend coming in from out of town. It was a tale of missed calls, lost emails, and misunderstood words. When she was done, I commiserated, then asked her when this happened. Her reply matched with my suspicions and I said “Did you know you were doing all of that during Mercury retrograde?”

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Shakespeare I’ve Seen


All’s Well That Ends Well
As You Like It
The Comedy of Errors
Love’s Labour’s Lost
Measure for Measure
The Merchant of Venice
The Merry Wives of Windsor
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Much Ado About Nothing
 Pericles, Prince of Tyre 
 The Taming of the Shrew
The Tempest
Twelfth Night
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
 The Two Noble Kinsmen 
The Winter’s Tale

King John
 Richard II
Henry IV, Part 1
Henry IV, Part 2
Henry V
Henry VI, Part 1 
 Henry VI, Part 2
 Henry VI, Part 3
Richard III
Henry VIII

Romeo and Juliet
 Titus Andronicus 
 Timon of Athens 
Julius Caesar
Troilus and Cressida
King Lear
Antony and Cleopatra

Plays in bold I have not seen. Yet.

Full Moon in Pisces, ritual notes

Just finished a lovely Ritual of Protection for an Unborn Child and her Mother.

One of our students is only 25 weeks and having contractions on and off again. She’s done the doctor thing, and asked if I could do something for her at our FMR. What emerged was an incredibly powerful rite in which Isis enfolded her and her child in Her arms. Each woman present gave some of her sterngth to the mother to help her carry her daughter to term.

This, tonight, is why I am a witch.

September Update at Facing North

For many of us, this has been the summer of wild and difficult weather. Once things have calmed down and you’re looking for some reading material, have a look at what we are recommending (and not!)

This month we’re offering:

Beyond the Book of Shadows   
Advanced Sex Magic
Precessional Time and the Evolution of Consciousness
Trigger Point Therapy
The Four Powers: Magical Practice for Beginners of All Ages  
Sex Sin and Zen: A Buddhist exploration of sex from celibacy to polyamory and everything in between 
Aphrodite’s Magic: Celebrate and Heal Your Sexuality  
Sexual Outlaw, Erotic Mystic; The Essential Ida Craddock 
Web of Light: Rites for Witches in the New Age

We also have an interview with the author of Walk Like A God, Drew Jacobs and a review of his latest book. Our community partner, The Wild Hunt recently had an interesting post about Drew and his plans. (As a bonus, it has an excellent picture of our very own Diana Rajchel!)

Finally, we have nine new reviews in our Tarot Deck and Book category!

The 72 Names Cards
AboraMana Channeled Goddess Wisdom Cards 
The Heart of Faerie Oracle 
Nature’s Wisdom Oracle 
Tarot in the Land of Mystereum 
The Journey Oracle and The Journey Coloring Book  
The Kingdom Within and the Alchemy of Tarot 
The Wizard’s Tarot 
Nature’s Wisdom Oracle 

How we spent our day

We drove to Puyallup (Pew AL up) and back. Me twice, John three times.

The result?

Meet the newest members of our family:

Kit, a 7 mo old brown tabby (doemstic shorthair); and

Rollo, a 4 mo old all black domestic shorthair.

They are rescues from the (awesome) Wolf Pack Animal Rescue. We don’t actually have them yet, as they are due to be neutered and microchipped. We’ll pick them up after we return from our holiday the last week of the month.

Which is good, because we need to kitty-proof the home, build a dog-inaccessible place for kitty litter to live, and lay in the basic supplies.

We went looking for a companion for Sasha, but came home with cats. I couldn’t help it, they came right up to me and started ‘talking’ to me. I think our household just got a bit more interesting.

The Saga of Finding a Dyer

Part of my plans for the wedding include re-purposing my original dress. The skirt is something like 4 yards of material, perfect for a simple dress, which is all I want nowadays. I thought I’d look good in a sapphire blue.

So, obviously, I needed to find a dyer (and a seamstress, but that was pretty easy) which is somewhat esoteric, but not outrageous. Right?

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Birthday Reading, 2010

What do I Need to Know for the Upcoming Year (2010-2011)?

Center: 4 of cups

Those who enjoy kayaking and other river sports know that there are areas of the river where the water flows in a dangerous circular motion. Instead of moving forward, it turns back on itself. In the same way, we can get stuck in emotional hydraulics. The Four of Cups represents such periods of self-absorption.

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