Today I re-arranged my office. Since we moved in, my desk has been in the SouthWest corner, monitor (and therefore me) facing east. Now my desk is in the NorthWest corner, but rotated so now I face South.
At tonights Dark Moon ritual, the energy shift was palpable. I barely called a circle when it started to pulse through me, and my HP (the leader for tonight) remarked that it was incredible how powerful tonight’s energy was.
It’s never matter which direction I face — the energy always felt the same. Is it a shift in my being? My perspective? Working so consistently in one space — and that space OWNED by me (and therefore intimate on a primal level). Its tough to explore, I really hate moving my office around, and there are few configurations I can employ. Besides, this direction feels very good — why change?
 I think I’m quite pleased with this discovery.