Ecumenicon was great! It is a small gathering (approx. 100 people) but a very active and close-knit community. Charles Butler is a dear, smart man; his sister Georgina is an absolute delight.
The Best Western was the setting, and the layout was excellent. (Much better than some places where classes are separated only by cloth ‘walls’.) Our opening ritual was elaborate, but mostly unscripted — an interesting balance to maintain. It worked VERY well. Good energy was created and spread out.
Both of my classes had great students. Excellent questions, good follow up.
I’ve been asked to return next year — and teach several more topics along the lines of Group Dynamics. I’m already noodling on what I will present. Maybe three 1 hour sessions on each of the “three C’s” of problems facing magickal groups (cohesion, conflict, and continuity). I’d like to make Magickal Connections a required text . . . maybe offer it to students at half price. (Note to self: ask New Page if we can make an arrangement.)
Ecumenicon is one of the best groups I’ve worked with over the years.