All is Well

Sweetie went in for surgery this morning to have his gall bladder removed. It was a lot of waiting, and odd for me as this was the same hospital that did my surgery. (No flashbacks though, or trauma. :-))

Turns out the GB was very inflamed. VERY. So it was a good thing that it came out.

He had a bit of food (applesauce and graham crackers) in recovery, and they sent him home. Where he is now sleeping.

Its been an exciting week, now it will be abusy weekend as I do chores/maintenance for us both.

All praise to Asclepius and Hygea!

“Exciting” times

(note the rabbit ears.)

It’s been an ‘exciting’ couple of days.

Spent several hours in the ER last night with John. Not my place to go into details, but he has drugs for now, is on a very strict diet (which I will join him on for support), and surgery looms in our future.

The big unknown? Can the surgery wait until post honeymoon. We have a meeting with a surgeon tomorrow afternoon.

A Fascinating Article

“Body Ritual among the Nacirema”
by Horace Miner

Most cultures exhibit a particular configuration or style. A single value or pattern of perceiving the world often leaves its stamp on several institutions in the society. Examples are “machismo” in Spanish-influenced cultures, “face” in Japanese culture, and “pollution by females” in some highland New Guinea cultures. Here Horace Miner demonstrates that “attitudes about the body” have a pervasive influence on many institutions in Nacirema society.

The anthropologist has become so familiar with the diversity of ways in which different people behave in similar situations that he is not apt to be surprised by even the most exotic customs. In fact, if all of the logically possible combinations of behavior have not been found somewhere in the world, he is apt to suspect that they must be present in some yet undescribed tribe. The point has, in fact, been expressed with respect to clan organization by Murdock.[2] In this light, the magical beliefs and practices of the Nacirema present such unusual aspects that it seems desirable to describe them as an example of the extremes to which human behavior can go.

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It’s been a good week

I know it can seem like I complain a lot here, but I figure there’s only a handful of people reading, and they’re here because they love and know me.  The weather is crappy, Mercury is retrograde, and there’s been a low-grade illness hovering around . . .

That said, I’ve had a great week, and I am feeling incredibly good today. For the first time in weeks, I made it to all of my exercise classes. I got pushed — hard – in Muay Thai on Thursday and felt great about going again today. How to put this . .  I feel GOOD. Oh, I’m sore and all that, but I feel GOOD. My blood got flowing and I’m doing well, and my form is excellent, and everything is doing well.

It’s been so damn long since I could say anything like that. Too damn long. Years, really.

So I’m going to go make a blueberry buttermilk cake to take to game tonight. I’ve already made my Dad’s birthday gift (just a little something — but I need to mail it before the wedding), done some laundry, and have some beef marinading for the boeuf bourguignon I’lll be making tomorrow.

It is a really good day.

Before I Kick the Bucket . . .

(posted two days later because my entire list was deleted.)

Did you know that the phrase ‘bucket list’ come from the term ‘kicked the bucket’? I didn’t until I just looked it up (thank you interwebz). I’m home today, hanging out and keeping Sasha (kind of) calm while we have gutter guards installed on our house. I’ve got work to do, but I’ve been at it for three hours already (and its only 9:30am), and I’m taking a break. A recent pin (on Pinterest) “5 Things That Should be on Your Bucket List” got me thinking. I don’t even have a bucket list. Do I want one?

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Nine Years

Today is our nine year anniversary. Amazing to think its been that long. I know that much of the reason we are still together is because of his strength and unwavering faith that I am ‘the one’ during the times when I was not so sure. And since we’re actually getting *married* this year, it’s like we’ve done the hard work already.

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It’s been an AWESOME day

First of all, for pics of snowmageddon, see our family blog, Sasha’s Doghouse.

Mostly, its been an awesome day.

A friend called me this morning to tell me that he and his wife are moving to London in a few months becauseappled for — and got — her dream job there.

It’s a gorgeous sunny day (very rare this time of year).

Pilates was good.

I had a bra fitting and now own two ‘real’ bras — and I know my actual measurements. (Sorry if that is TMI.)

I got a fabulous style from my hairdresser — it’s the one I’m planning on for the wedding.

In the mail came my SPHR certification — it is official!!!!

I have game with friends tonight.

This is an awesome day.