#30daysofreading (June 11)

Finished Winds of Fate (#3 in the series I’ve been reading by Mercedes Lackey). It’s an old favorite, and much enjoyed. Went on to the next (in the timeline), Storm Rising, finished that one as well

Also completed:

Handfasting and Wedding Rituals: Welcoming Hera’s Blessing By Kaldera, Raven — I didn’t get a LOT of use out of this, but there is one ceremony I liked enough that I’ll be using it as an inspiration (pending J’s approval, of course) for our ceremony.
The Instinct Diet: Use your Five Food Instincts to Lose Weight and Keep It off By Roberts, Susan B. — meh. I didn’t appeal to me, or make sense. It wasn’t crazy (like the genetics diet thing that is out there) but  . . . not for me.
Core Performance Women: Burn Fat and Build Lean Muscle By Verstegen, Mark — fascinating, and, I think, going to be useful. I may even buy it for my own reference.

A Birthday Weekend in SF

This last weekend I flew down to San Francisco to surprise my mom for her birthday. It was a huge success.

She came in to the door and my nephew met her with flowers. Then he peremptorily said ‘close your eyes, it’s a secret!’ She, being a good grandma, did, and he led her into the living room, where I waited. (She did bounce off the walls a bit, he wasn’t very good at leading her, I must say.) When she opened her eyes — the look on her face was priceless.

Big hugs, lots of happiness.

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May Update at Facing North

I just updated Facing North to include a great mix of offerings, a little of this and that for everyone.

An Ye Harm None: Magical Morality and Modern Ethics
Aradia: Gospel of the Witches
Astrology of the Moon
Bird Cards: The Healing Powers of the Bird Kingdom
Defense Against the Dark
Goddesses for Every Day
Gods of the Runes: Divine Shapers of Fate
King Solomon Oracle Cards
The Tarot Game
Tarot of the Sidhe
Tarot Spreads & Layouts: A Users Manual

We also have an event review of Paganicon — the first annual event!

We are now on Facebook! Just search for Facing North and ‘friend’ us for previews, news about updates, and (eventually) giveaways.

As a new feature, not only do we ‘advertise’ upcoming events (see April’s update for examples) , we welcome event reviews after the fact. Pictures are great to include (make sure people being photographed have given permission, please.) If you’d like to review an event, please just contact me directly and we’ll work out the details.

Opened on October 31, 2006 with just over 200 reviews, Facing North is — first and foremost — a community resource. We closed out 2006 with more than double our opening number of reviews (500+) . Although we slowed our growth, 2007 ended with our database at more than 600 records, 2008 saw us at 900 and we edged over 1, 000 by the end of 2009. We are committed to creating a practical site with honest opinions that are fair, even when critical.