I am ve
ry proud to announce that JaguarMoon Coven has produced it’s statement of inclusion. It is no longer acceptable to presume that a magickal group is a safe place. We need standards we can point to, that our students can look at, and we all need to hold one another accountable.I think that all students will be good with this statement even though we are sharing it mid year. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask for clarification.We are very serious about this. We believe in safe space.

JaguarMoon Coven is inclusive.We utterly reject racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia, ableism, sizeism, jingoism, classism, and transphobia.We believe diversity strengthens us as individuals and as witches; we embrace all facets of the human condition. Our students and members are different in gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, religion of origin, and age, as well as in cultural backgrounds, life experiences, economic status, thoughts and ideas.We welcome and respect the stranger, the so-called other. We believe that gender (in all of its variations), sex, skin color, religion of origin, preference in partner, or biological status are facets of an individual’s overall being, and all are welcome here: no requirement for participation in our class or coven is based on any biological facet.
Shame has no place in the circle. We believe that any act that takes place between consenting adults is beautiful. There is no shame in any body type, physical expression, disability, or adornment.
Our tradition is based on the idea that witchcraft empowers the individual and imbues each practitioner with complete sovereignty. No teacher, priest/ess, member, or student of JaguarMoon will ever violate the sovereignty of another.
We honor honesty and compassion as the foundations for an atmosphere of trust.Ritual and magic require our full attention in the Circle. Illness — physical, mental, or spiritual — is not a moral failing and there is a place in the Circle for those who are sick and trying to get well. For our sake as well as theirs, those who by reason of addiction or mental illness do not have the ability to be fully present are still loved by us, but may be asked to get help before they return to the Circle.
Violation of these standards will result in dismissal from the Class or Coven.