Monthly Archives: August 2009

Inaugural Grill Party

(Note, this post should have gone up back in the 1st week of June. Oops.)

A few weeks ago, while J was in Ashland, the power went out. It was only for an hour, and I happened to have rented a car for the weekend, so I wasn’t stranded. But it got me thinking: I have plenty of candles, and only in the bitterest ice storm would I have trouble keeping warm (good insulation, lots of blankets, and a DOG = plenty of warm). But without power NOTHING in this house works. I suppose the pilot light on the water heater stays on — but it’s connected to the household heating system so I can’t get hot water, or heat when there is no power. My stove won’t work . . . nothing works. I’d have to leave if it lasted longer than a day because I wouldn’t be able to eat much beyond cereal and sandwiches.

So I decided that we need a propane grill (other things too, but that’s a different post) so that even if we have no power, we can eat a hot meal and boil water.

We bought it on our Lowe’s card — 12 mos no interest, thereby costing me an additional $50/mo. Natch.

This weekend, we invited a few friends over for a grillout. The menu:

grilled chicken breast w/ one of three sauces: lemon/garlic, BBQ, honey teriyaki

potato salad

green salad


corn muffins

chocolate brownies

The traditional chips, celery, and carrots were served up as well, and we asked people to bring a drink or dessert (S. brought guacamole, which is just fine by me) so there was a nice selection.

Garden Joys

At this time of year, J’s ever-blooming gift to me is doing just that: blooming. Here’s some pictures:

roses and lillies

roses and lilies

The lilies are on their 3rd year, the roses on their 2nd.

What is astonishing to me is that this:


turned into this, a few days later:


The flame sort of mellowed into a pink (and the rose faded further over the next day so it was a cream with pale pink edges just before it died). Even more astonishing, the same plant produced this:


Here’s a picture of the whole grouping:

DSCN3421I have no idea what the purple flowered plant is in the lower left hand corner. I know I planted it, but I didn’t keep track. It’s HUGE (5 ft tall) and the flowers look like this, close up:


The little white flowers are my lovely Alyssium:


I love my flower garden!

August Facing North Update!

We have a nice collection of reviews this month, some older (like Sacred Places of the Goddess) and some published this year (such as Egyptian Revenge Spells).We reviewed a book of poetry (The Dancing God) and an atheist’s perspective (The Atheist’s Way)

We also have two excerpts from Robert Mack’s Happiness from the Inside Out: Lessons Learned from the Wizard of Oz and Telling a Happier Story. Finally, we have a lovely interview with Robert Mack — if you’re feeling pessimistic or ‘down’ you’ll want to read it.

September’s reviews are coming along nicely and include a 2nd review of The Dancing God, a new mystery from the fabulous Barbara Bretton, and a 2-disk collection of word and music meditation from Sharon West.

Miss Cella

Nothing particular on my mind today, but a couple of things have come to me to post here.

The Fabulous Anne Johnson, whose “The Gods Are Bored” blog puts me in a good mood nearly every day, is looking for a set of Encyclopedias for her classroom. Yes, she’s bucking the all-online trend. So if you have a set in moderately good condition and less than 25 years old, would you consider giving it to her? (She’ll pay for media rate shipping.)

Chas Clifton directed readers to an article over at LiveScience about how humans emit light in a way that varies through the day and seems to be linked with metabolism. Who was it who said magic is just science we haven’t figured out yet?

A friend asked me to find recipes for pawpaws. I’ve got a bunch *somewhere* around here . . . .