Author Archives: lisa

After Ten Days

It has been an incredible 10 days. I am already experiencing dramatic — POSITIVE — changes; likely due to no longer taking Tamoxifen.

No weight loss, but that wasn’t the primary issue.

  • I am sleeping better, and more soundly.
  • My energy is profoundly better — much more even keeled throughout the day.
  • I feel more focused and ‘together’
  • I desire my husband again. (BINGO!!!!)
  • Its been easier to plan meals, and stick to the plan, and find healthy alternatives when the plan goes awry.

This weekend we took my measurements, because losing the fat all over is far more important to me than just losing weight. I’ll check my weight weekly, but only as a data point. What will be very exciting for me is a belly reduction of several inches.

I am a big believer in HAES (Health at Every Size) and my goals are focused of overall fitness and improvement. And stopping the Big T might just be the thing I’ve needed for several years now.

Thanks for hanging in there

My blog stats have dropped significantly, I gather there are a few people who still stop by from time to time.

It’s been crazy busy at work — and I can’t tell you about what we’re working on, not for a few more weeks. — post coming on that

We had a great visit to Ashland, OR — post coming on that

I’m doing some new things — post coming on that

My class is starting a new year next week — post coming on that

Yeah, I owe you a lot. Stay tuned, you know I’ll catch up!

Daily Meditation: 3/6



I have no idea if that is actually what this picture is called, or who the artist is, or even where I first acquired this image. What I see is a woman, seemingly emerging from the wood of the structure. It is as if she is the spirit of the place, looking to move on, but unable to — perhaps until the structure is completely decayed?

Classic Calendula: A Sip of Summer Sunshine

Loke wyscely on golde erly at morwe [morning]
Yat day fro feures it schall ye borwe:
Ye odour of ye golde is good to smelle.’
~ Macer’s Herbal

Calendula (Calendula officinalis) will always be a summer flower for me — her bright colors and radiant shape reflects that of the sun. Petals in hues from light lemon to deep orange adorn her flowers, opening in the morning, following the sun’s journey across the sky, and closing as dusk sets in. She is also a flower of contradictions: despite her solar connections, she blooms monthly, often with the new moon.

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