Author Archives: lisa

Eulogy for Leo

(deep breath)

On April 15, 2019 we had the veterinarian to our house and Leo was put to sleep. He had cancer and we made the difficult decision to not pursue surgical options, hoping to give him instead a bit more time enjoying the best life we could provide for him. It’s never expected, although we had a little more time than usual to prepare, and that was a gift in many ways.

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Life Goals

Years ago, I shared my Bucket List with y’all. It’s kind of been bugging me ever since. Recently, I realized that what was making me grumpy about it — there were many items that were not ‘big’ enough to be true Bucket List items. Like, taking a cooking class. All that is preventing me from crossing that off the list is time and a bit of money. Not hard, not *Bucket*.

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2019 Goal: Reading Top 100 SciFi Update

At the end of 2018 I set a goal for myself of reading all of the books on the Top 100 Fantasy and Top 100 Science Fiction book lists.

Wow. I was/ am ambitious. Fortunately, I’ve read a number of them already, so it isn’t really 200 books to read, more like . . . ulp . . . 140. That’s  . . . *sigh* a bit under three books a week.

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2019 Goal: Reading Top 100 Fantasy Update

At the end of 2018 I set a goal for myself of reading all of the books on the Top 100 Fantasy and Top 100 Science Fiction book lists.

Wow. I was/ am ambitious. Fortunately, I’ve read a number of them already, so it isn’t really 200 books to read, more like . . . ulp . . . 140. That’s  . . . *sigh* a bit under three books a week.

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What if I Fail?

Failing to accomplish a long-cherished goal is crushing, and we’ve all experienced it at some time or another. In the aftermath of failure some of us beat ourselves up. Dripping shame and resentment, we polish our self-criticism and enact a terrible spiral of negativity. The spiral ends with a retreat to our comfort zone, the place where we know we can succeed because we don’t try to do anything new or difficult.

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