that I was also scheduled for an MRI yesterday.
It didn’t go so well.
The MRI went badly — I couldn’t finish it. I’d forgotten that they would have to inject me with a dye (for the contrast) and that makes a 15 min process more like 30. Mentally I could deal with that, but then my shoulder started to cramp up and I had waves of pain. . . I was working the relaxation imagery and calm breathing …like nobody’s business, all to no avail.
Moreover, the machine was unable to ‘find’ a series of images and they had to be redone, so my 15 mins of initial images turned into 30. I could NOT stand it anymore and I pulled the plug on the entire event.
But I still have to do it. I’m wondering if taking a muscle relaxant will help?
In other news, the class was fine. I’m sure you’ll be surprised that I was singled out as a leader (“But you’re so articulate!”) and have form/joined a study group.