With the moon’s soft radiance illuminating this sign’s energy, it looks like we’ve opened the ‘basement’ of the Universe to let the light in. This is a time for erratic emotions, intense emotions, and sudden flashes of understanding of karmic ties. Taking place in practical, service-oriented Virgo, it means that the positive directing of this energy is towards our relationships to others. We’re in the midst of the harvest (less than a week until Mabon), working hard to get the fruits and vegetables preserved and stored so we won’t starve during the winter. We don’t have time for worrying about anything other than our community.
Happy Birthday Sasha
(not that she’ll read this, but . . .)
Lupa posted a journal entry about how she really likes German Shepards, grew up with them, and wants one, but not just now. It made me think about Sasha, and since her birthday was the 9th, I thought I’d ramble on a bit about her.
Tolerance and Mediocrity: Further Thoughts
We’re onto the next stageof hiring, having gleaned our 10 candidates from the 130 resumes sent in. (Yay me for predicting accurately.) I have a few more thoughts to share with job seekers.
Cracked’s List of 7 Celebrities Who Went Green . . .
. . . and *totally* missed the point.
Happy Birthday to me
(this post will likely be added to over the course of the day)
The daily med I posted today is a comment on the day, and me.
Facing North Update
I just updated my review site, Facing North, with eleven reviews, some of which are from Lupa’s Pagan Book Review site. It’s our usual eclectic mix.
A Field Guide to Otherkin |
Complete Book of Spiritual Astrology |
Synastry: Understanding the Astrology of Relationships |
Fresh Start Promise |
Aidan’s First Full Moon Circle |
Goddess Spirituality for the 21st Century |
Wealthenow: Her telling of Beowulf |
Wealth: Titania’s Wishing Spells |
Good Fortune and how to Attract It |
Happiness: Titania’s Wishing Spells |
Simple Wicca |
Adult Vaccinations
I had a physical the other day, and it included a tetanus shot. Ow. I can’t lift my arm above shoulder height, my neck is getting stiff, and I seem to have odd numbness down my arm.
It’s now on my usual 3-day rule: if it still bothers me, or is worse after three days, I’ll see a doctor. Most things go away before then, or are serious, so its a good rule for me.
(Oh, and I seem to be in pretty good shape. We’ll see what turns up in the labwork.)
Tolerance and Mediocrity: Clash at the Office
I’m hiring for an admin job at my office right now. Given the job market, I guessed I’d get between 100-150 resumes, 50 of which would be useful/worth following up on and do 10 interviews. (For perspective, the last time I interviewed for this role, about 2 years ago, we received maybe 50 resumes and interviewed five candidates.) So far, I’m a little off (it will be much more like 200 resumes and 75 to follow up on) but not desperately so.
Meme: How well do you know your sweetie?
(Swiped from technocowboy)
1. Sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
Right now? West Wing. Usually, The Daily Show
Hating the USPS
Let me start by saying that I have been a proponent of the USPS for years. The service is cheap, reliable and they go everyone in the US.