Several years ago, J & I thought we needed a friend for Sasha. We thought she could use more play time and more time being non-people-focused. We wanted a dog about her size, male, friendly and calm. We hoped it wouldn’t be a swimmer, and it needed to be a rescue.
We looked. We went to events, and brought Sasha. It was a failure (although we did find the boys along the way). Frankly we gave up. Actually, we said, “if another dog is going to come into our lives, it needs to come to us. we aren’t going to look anymore.”
Meet Leo:

Leo has been fostering with my Mom for several weeks now. She loves him, but has some physical problems that make having a dog, even a perfect one, too difficult. I’ve loved all I’ve heard about him, and I feel he’ll be a great addition. He’s dog-friendly, cat-neutral, child-friendly, and apparently very mellow.
So my darling husband is driving to San Francisco this weekend to get him. Next week we’ll be integrating him into the house, and hoping all goes well.