Thanksgiving was lovely. The whole family (the west coast contingent at least) was here to celebrate. Connor (no surprise at only 20 mos old) was more than a little upset at Sasha’s relentless “I want to lick your face” behavior, but didn’t actively cry. He just got right into an adult lap and surveyed the wriggling puppy from safety. (No good pictures of them together, or even of Connor. )
By the end of the trip he was just turning his back on her when she jumped up, knowing an adult was going to order her down — and that she’d obey . . . eventually. They did well together. Sasha was, in fact, incredibly good about having people in the room paying no attention to her, and in the next room making noise, and getting up at all hours to feed and other things. I was more than a little surprised at how well it went with a just-ten-week-old puppy.
Here’s a great picture of the feasting table than J. took: