A selection of Lisa Mc Sherry’s writings
A Perspective on the Sacred & Profane
Called to Lead — Witches & Pagans #22
Coming Together: A Look at Pagan Group Structures
Goddess of the Hearth: Hestia/ Vesta — The Beltane Papers No. 30, Summer 2003
Grief and Loss: A Perspective — The Beltane Papers No. 27, Spring 2002
Handcrafted Ritual Tools (with Ian Roarke) — PanGaia #45, Nov. 2006 (This will download/open a .pdf)
Hidden Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth and Home — Witches & Pagans #30, Summer, 2015
Private Ritual for the Death of a Parent
Sacred Places: Brigid’s Well, Kildare, Ireland
Simplicity as an Act of Worship — SageWoman No. 69, Spring, 2006. (This will download/open a .pdf)
Some Thoughts on Death & Dying — The Beltane Papers No. 37, Winter 2005
Things for the Younger Witch to Consider — The Blessed Bee, No. 20, Spring 2004
Transforming Negativity: Magickal Aikido
Virtual Dynamics, Magick and Ritual
The Alchemy of Abundance: Practical Money Magick — PanGaia #49, Summer 2008. (This will download/open a .pdf)
Choosing to Work Magick Online: A Guideline for Seekers
Coming Together: A Look at Pagan Group Structure
Cyber Altars: Using New Technology in Traditional Ways — The Beltane Papers No. 30, Summer 2003
Dancing with Mercury, Backwards: Doing More Than Just Surviving Mercury Retrograde
JaguarMoon: A Tradition Evolving in CyberSpace
Making Magickal Connections: Forming a Lasting Coven — Spellcraft Magazine, Issue 5. Winter 2007. (This will download/open a .pdf)
Magick Online: A New Perspective on an Old Tradition (RP)
Mechanics of a Cybercoven: Tools & Equipment
Passing On Ritual for Marione — The Beltane Papers No. 39, Winter 2006
Bees, Butterflies, and Birds: How to Welcome Flying Friends Into Your Garden
Classic Calendula: A Sip of Summer Sunshine
Herbal Vinegars: A Healthy & Tasty Addition to Your Diet (RP)
Keep Walking: My Journey with Cancer — SageWoman No. 80, March, 2011 (This will download/open a .pdf)
The Magick of Harry Potter — PanGaia #25, Autumn 2000 (This will download/open a .pdf)
Modern Love — co-authored with D. Myers. PanGaia #36, Autumn 2003 (This will download/open a .pdf)
Pagan Schooling Online — Spellcraft #10, Spring 2008 (This will download/open a .pdf)
Persephone Reborn — co-authored with D. Myers.
Swimming in Deep Waters: Mermaids as Agents of Transformation — The Beltane Papers No. 35, Spring 2005
Warming Trend: Has Pagan Nonfiction Finally Come in from the Cold? — newWitch #12 May-July 2006 (This will download/open a .pdf)
All pieces used with permission.
This link will open a .pdf of a full list of my writings: articles, books, and reviews.
(updated May 12, 2020)