Category Archives: Travel

Exciting times coming

I’ve got a release date and (pretty firm) title for the new book! A Witch’s Guide to Crafting Your Practice will be released October 2022. I’m quite excited, and hoping to put together a book launch around that time.

As well, my new website — — will launch on January 3rd. Meant to be a single source for all of my projects, these blog posts will ‘port over there.

Happy New (Calendar) Year!


Samhain Thoughts

Tonight, in the light of the moon peering through the towering pines behind my house, I will offer myself up to Deity in a ritual I have done every year since 1980. I pledged myself then, and renew that vow in recognition of Their regard of, and for, me.
In my spiritual tradition, this is a day (and night) to honor our beloved ancestors. We take time to pause and look at all those who came before us, paving the way and providing the skills and assistance we used to get to where we are.

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Reviewing the Year (2018-2019)

Each year I like to look back over the previous year, and then set goals for the coming year. Many people do this on Jan 1st; I prefer to do it on my birthday. I often refine the accomplishments and goals until my new year, Samhain, but the bulk of the work is done on or around my birthday.

This is my review of the past year. to see my goals for the coming year, click here.

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Current and Future Goals and Dreams (2018-19)

Each year I like to look back over the previous year, and then set goals for the coming year. Many people do this on Jan 1st; I prefer to do it on my birthday. I often refine the accomplishments and goals until my new year, Samhain, but the bulk of the work is done on or around my birthday.

These are my goals for the coming year.

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Reviewing the Year (2017-18)

Each year I like to look back over the previous year, and then set goals for the coming year. Many people do this on Jan 1st; I prefer to do it on my birthday. I often refine the accomplishments and goals until my new year, Samhain, but the bulk of the work is done on or around my birthday.

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