Back in 2009, a friend took this picture:
We just had dinner with them the other day, and she took this picture:
Not much has changed . . . on the outside. 🙂
This is an odd time of year for me, has been for more than a decade, almost without break. The sun is at its peak, the weather is often glorious (certainly it is today), and I am often filled with energy.
At the same time, there is a sadness I cope with. My students, those few who made it through the year-long Art of Ritual class, are preparing to leave the class and go on to . . . whatever. Some have been amazing and excellent and a joy to work with. Some have been frustrating. Some have been absent. Each has been a pleasure (yes, I really like teaching).
Very appropriate for this holy day: the sun may be at its peak, but that means it begins its decline tomorrow. Joy and sorrow meet as one.
Sometimes one will join the coven, most times not. And that is just fine thankyouverymuch. We are not interested in being the largest online coven or school. We don’t do this for the money (which is good, since we have yet to ‘make money’ in the 10+ years we’ve offered the class). We don’t seek out fame. We expect our students to finish the year with a good amount of knowledge under their belts. We expect that they will have an idea of where their next step or path might be. We expect that they will have an idea of what topics they are good at, and which they like, and which they may want to explore further.
Most of all, we expect that they will have high expectations for their next teacher and will be able to determine if someone is selling bullcrap instead of good knowledge.
It’s been a good year.
A friend of mine (Di) is working through the book Money Drunk, Money Sober and blogging about it. She’s remarkably fearless and I want to emulate her, so I’m going to try and follow in her footsteps. If you don’t know this book, it theorizes that some of us have an addictive/co-dependent relationship with money, in a way that is similar to drugs, or sex, or . . . It’s an interesting theory.
The next few weeks will see my posts, following hers, every couple of days.
The only side effect of this very busy week is that my brain seems to be insisting that I am stressed, when in fact everything is going swimmingly. (Aside from dress drama, but that’s minor.)
This means that I am having a hard time falling asleep, sleep a bit restlessly, and wake up early. For example, last night I was tired, but everytime I considered going to sleep, my brain would start racing. So it was after 11pm before I got into bed. I woke up a few times during the night . . . and at 5:47am was wide awake. I don’t have to be anywhere or do anything until at least 10am.
argh. Continue reading
(posted two days later because my entire list was deleted.)
Did you know that the phrase ‘bucket list’ come from the term ‘kicked the bucket’? I didn’t until I just looked it up (thank you interwebz). I’m home today, hanging out and keeping Sasha (kind of) calm while we have gutter guards installed on our house. I’ve got work to do, but I’ve been at it for three hours already (and its only 9:30am), and I’m taking a break. A recent pin (on Pinterest) “5 Things That Should be on Your Bucket List” got me thinking. I don’t even have a bucket list. Do I want one?
Today is our nine year anniversary. Amazing to think its been that long. I know that much of the reason we are still together is because of his strength and unwavering faith that I am ‘the one’ during the times when I was not so sure. And since we’re actually getting *married* this year, it’s like we’ve done the hard work already.
First of all, for pics of snowmageddon, see our family blog, Sasha’s Doghouse.
Mostly, its been an awesome day.
A friend called me this morning to tell me that he and his wife are moving to London in a few months becauseappled for — and got — her dream job there.
It’s a gorgeous sunny day (very rare this time of year).
Pilates was good.
I had a bra fitting and now own two ‘real’ bras — and I know my actual measurements. (Sorry if that is TMI.)
I got a fabulous style from my hairdresser — it’s the one I’m planning on for the wedding.
In the mail came my SPHR certification — it is official!!!!
I have game with friends tonight.
This is an awesome day.
We’re still without power (have been since Thursday morning). According to PSE, power should be restored either late this evening, late tomorrow evening . . . or late Wed evening. depending on whether we live in the ‘Renton area,’ ‘Kent area,’ or ‘East Kent area’. *sigh*
The Tanzy’s gave us shelter last night (mucho thanks!), we’re going to have to reassess and make plans for tonight. I’m going to continue to hope that it will be sooner rather than later. It’s not like we’re stuck inside — the roads are clear and we can easily get around. It’s just a bit boring — and very cold (50*) in the house. We need candles (a ‘to do’ for today).
No power means no phones, btw. So if you’ve been trying to call, that’s why we aren’t answering. John can get email on his phone, so feel free to write to him there.
Over all, we’re *FINE*. Threw away ~$50 worth of food, but the chest freezer in the garage is keeping things frozen. We have a gas stove, so we can cook pasta and make tea. The roads are clear, so we can purchase food in small quantitites to keep it fresh. Sasha’s been at her vacation home for a few days, allowing us to just have to worry about Kit & Roland. (That will change as they are going on a vacation on Tuesday, so we need to get her back Monday evening.)
It’s been a long blackout. Would we do anything differently? Yes. In retrospect, I’d have liked to have moved the gas grill into the garage — we could have more easily used it to cook oven-based things (indirect heat) which would have broadened our ability to use items from the freezer. I’d like to own a cat ‘house’ or two, so I could feel the kitties were sleeping warm. Otherwise, the only thing we are really missing is the ability to take hot showers. We have to travel for that.
I’ll update when we have news again.
We’re ok. The ice was very bad on Wednesday — we weren’t going anywhere, and were happy to stay in and work from home.
(photos under the cut)
My office moved last weekend, I was in charge, so it was a long couple of weeks for me. I took some time off this week to make it up. While I did, my new computer arrived. It’s FAST. And QUIET. Playing games is extra fun now. 🙂
On the ‘down’ side, I had a root canal on Thursday. My first.
(‘squick’ warning under the cut)