Monthly Archives: August 2010

ADV Tarot: 8/31

I’m teaching an advanced tarot class to my coven mates. (We do a basic one in the year-long class.) Right now we’re getting used to the cards by pulling one every day.

Today I drew: The High Priestess.

Keywords: Serene, Balanced, Mystery(ies), “Be still and know that I AM.” The feminine principle. Secrets. Wisdom.

Opposite: The Magician

Complements: The Hermit, The Hanged Man

August (Barely!) Update at Facing North

Just in time . . .

This month we have an eclectic group of offerings:
Horses with a Mission
Pagan Astrology
The Imperial Guide to Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology
Earth Day: An Alphabet Book
Autumn Shadows in August
Magical Housekeeping
One Soul One Heart, One Love
Tranquilista: Mastering the Art of Enlighted Work & Play
Mala of the Heart
Encyclopedia of Spirits
(clicking on a highlighted title will bring you directly to the review)


Have You Heard The One about the NY Muslim?

Apparently, being an American citizen, he thought he could build a community center. He also though that since his community are Muslims, like him, and much of the funding was coming from his community, it would be ok to include a mosque in this community center. Everything seemed to be going well, he got approval from the zoning board, worked out a reasonable budget and went abouthiring the necessary people to make it happen, everything looked great. He even figured out a way to make it LEED certified.

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We’re in!

The move went well, if long. I theoretically took the week afterwards off from work, but the reality was that I still ended up working almost every day, which made for long, busier-than-I-wanted days and a very tired me.

We had a few mishaps: the ‘swedish’ daybed didn’t fit – by ½”! – into the library, one bookshelf (one of the newest ones!) completely disintegrated, the china cabinet didn’t look ‘right’ where we originally placed it. John was shuttling art, electronics, and plants back and forth, and we frequently missed one another between the houses. But we worked everything out (John bought a saw and took an inch off the legs, we decided to buy a replacement, and we had the movers move the cabinet to an alternate location, where it did look right).

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Thoughts on Group Dynamics

As a follow up to this post, I’m doing much better (thank you for asking. :-).

Y’all may or may not know that I am the primary leader of a coven that has been in existence (in one form or another) since 2000. Back when I found out I had cancer I (of course) reached out to everyone in the group and was very forthright about the fact that I was really going to not be doing much leading. The group said, in effect, we’ll keep it going.

Or so I thought.

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I am Deeply Saddened

This morning, August 12, 2010 at approximately 8 AM ET, Isaac Bonewits passed away peacefully in his sleep. All his brothers and sisters arrived at his side last night. His family and friends surround him now.

from Isaac and Phaedra’s facebook page.

tears are in my eyes, not for his death, but for our loss.

Isaac, I never met you in person, but I am proud to have been a supporter of yours and will continue to do so for Phaedra. May the Gods and Goddesses receive you with a glass of mead, a hug, and a new collection of songs.

Going Dark

This is it until we’re in the new place, and have Internet access again. Here’s hoping the move goes well.

We’re not completely packed, but we’ve run out of room to stack boxes. So I’ll be packing the kitchen and closets while the movers do their thing. After J. drops off Sasha at Soos Creek Kennels, he will be ferrying artwork and other precious items up to the new place.

It’s finally happening. After months of prep and work, its finally here.

Until the next time . . .

What I Look Like

Hair! (I’m told it’s kid of cute.)

Energetically I’m doing well. I still get tired long before I used to, and I’m not sleeping through the night, which isn’t good for my energy.

Today I am not doing well at all. I got some bad news that I am struggling with. I don’t mind the criticism I received, I just mind that it came out of nowhere and there was no discussion. A decision was made and I didn’t get to have a chance to change, or offer input, or anything.

Worse, the decision was based on my performance during chemo. So, at a time when I was struggling, daily, I was being measured against a very high standard. I failed, and now I’m being punished.

I have to be fair: you aren’t hearing the other side of the story, and — as I said — the criticism is absolutely true as far as my part goes. I’m just feeling really bad right now. REALLY bad.


I am now the proud, poor, owner of two domiciles. I owe so much money to large institutions I am more than a little freaked out.

I am so grateful for J. and his calm calm calm demeanor.

I kind of feel like this:

funny pictures of cats with captions

(and yes, I am sure I will feel happy, excited, and all of that good stuff soon.)