From a ‘meme’ that came across my FB feed earlier:
(trigger warning: childhood trauma)
girls mature
faster than boys
we are taught
all the ways
our bodies are
for violence
how our lips are
dripping with
how our thighs are
rancid with
how our blooming
are traps for the
eyes and hands
of grown men
we are taught this
how our bodies
betray us
in the presence
of men
we are taught this
at the soft age of
five, six, seven
many a times these
are forced
upon us
while boys just get to be boys.
~Ena Ganguly
Powerful words, affecting me deeply. I am no poet, but in a small way I bare my soul to the view and judgment of strangers. I write. My childhood was not pleasant in many ways. I was betrayed and hurt and taught, as the poem says, lessons at the soft age of five, six, seven.
Even now, surrounded by love and strength and security, I worry about the coming betrayal: because if it’s this good, there must be a fall coming.
That is (one) price I pay for the traumas of my childhood: constant fear of what might happen if I’m not hyper vigilant.