It’s been an interesting trip so far.
A Real Post
I’m mostly a little overwhelmed with life. My family usually gathers for Turkey Day, but my health issues precluded that. So we’re gathering (even my parents, who’re divorced 30+ years and haven’t been in the same room since my sister’s wedding 6 yrs ago) for Christmas. We’re leaving for San Francisco in a few hours and I’m just trying to tidy the house a bit before we go. (I hate coming home to a messy house!)
Healthwise: I am doing well, still waiting on test results to see whether I need chemo or not. So this is a bit of a ‘pause’ place. I can recover from the surgery, get (more) used to the breast-like-object on my chest, and enjoy being nicotine free for the first time in about 20 years.
Spiritually: I am processing this lesson like MAD. Saturn’s well-honed (and patented) Kick-in-the-Ass on behalf of the Universe has left me reeling on many levels. It literally could not have been better designed to ‘push all of my buttons’ and I am humbly doing the Work necessary to put it into perspective and move forward.
Financially: 2009 was great, and it’s a good thing because 2010 is going to hurt. We went ahead in the face of uncertainty and bought tickets to a trip to London and Venice in late 2010. Before we get there, however, the medical bills are going to eat into all of my extra money, and perhaps some of my savings. I am blessed with excellent medical people, however, and they are worth every dime it’s cost so far. I am doubly blessed by an excellent insurance package. So while I will pay, I am not paying all of it (it’ll be around$100k before it is all over).
Generally speaking: I continue to be blessed and fortune’s child. This year started with a boom, and me in the middle of a Lesson. The next 9 mos will see an evolution of that Lesson, and my role.
Bright Blessings to you all in the dark of the year!
Bright Blessings!
Things got very busy this week. Compressed work days and deep tiredness make for a non-writing Lisa.
In the meantime:
Belated Yule Blessings!
I’m off to spend the next several days with my family in San Francisco. Perhaps I will have stories to tell when I return!
PhotoHunt: Fast
This needs to be a two parter. Because the essence of fast is that this:
is now this:
(timeline: March 2006, October 2009)
How it works
Spend a day discussing hiring for a new position.
Spend a day crafting the job description and getting ‘buy in’.
Spend a few hours crafting a job posting. Make sure ad specifies three specific qualities we are looking for and the three elements that are absolutely required to be considered.
Post the ad in two (appropriate) categories on craigslist at 6:07pm.
PhotoHunt: Undesirable
I *had* nothing to post this week. . . then my sweetie reminded me of this:
It’s a bas-relief from the British museum, of the fall of Ninevah (Assyria). Photo taken in April 2007. The two men are being tortured, skinned alive actually.
I would say that being skinned alive is undesirable. I wonder what other photohunters will conjure up?
If You Are Reading This, You Care About the EFF
If you blog, or read blogs; have a Facebook account, Twitter, read news online, have a web page . . . in short: if you do anything online — you care about the EFF.
Right now you can do two things to support them and it won’t cost you any money.
1. Sign the Open Letter to President Obama. When President Obama took office, he promised to usher in a new era of government transparency, and instructed federal government agencies to comply with Freedom Of Information Act requests “promptly and in a spirit of cooperation.
Today, however, some of those agencies are working overtime to prevent the release of important records which deserve the sunlight of public scrutiny.
2. Vote for EFF. After you sign the letter, vote for EFF at CREDO. The 50 nonprofits on CREDO’s 2009 list will divide $3,000,000 based on the percentage of votes received from CREDO customers and activists. CREDO will give you 100 points to vote — give all 100 to EFF! (Signing the petition allows you to vote at CREDO, even if you aren’t a member of their network.)
I’m a supporter of the EFF, you should be too — all they care about is protecting civil liberties online and in the digital world. If you want to know more about what they do, please see their website.
Time Machine: 11/11 (Tarot Reading)
I was talking with my friend B. and he asked if I’d done a tarot reading about my situation. “Oh yes,” I said, “and I got bubkus. Nada. Chaos. I know it’s often tough to read for oneself, but I really got zip.”
My Life: Rated
This Is My Life, Rated | |
Life: | ![]() |
Mind: | ![]() |
Body: | ![]() |
Spirit: | ![]() |
Friends/Family: | ![]() |
Love: | ![]() |
Finance: | ![]() |
Take the Rate My Life Quiz |
Looks like I could improve my mental acuity, no surprise my body needs work (duh) and that my friends/family relationships need development. Actually, it looks like I have room to grow in all areas.
Meeting the Oncologist
I continue to be fortunate in that every medical professional I’ve worked with (with a few minor exceptions) are warm, caring, knowledgeable, competent people. My oncologist is one of those. He could see how nervous I was, and one of the first things he did was to start at the beginning and have me tell him about what my cancer journey has been like.
I finished with “and so it was more than a little shocking to be told on Friday that I am a good candidate for chemotherapy.” He immediately said: “I’m not so sure about that. It’s one thing I want to talk with you about.”
It turns out that there is a test (Oncotype DX) that is for a specific population of women with breast cancer. This test provides a very specific answer to the question: does she have a high likelihood of breast cancer recurring (and therefore is a good candidate for chemotherapy)? In reading about it, it looked liked I was a perfect candidate (invasive, Stage I, ER+, lymph node negative). But it is very new (just out of clinical trials in 2007) and I wasn’t sure if my oncologist knew about it, and if I really was a good candidate.
He did, and he thinks I’m a ‘poster child’ for the test. Good thing: they (the lab that does this test is in Sunnyvale, Ca, I believe) examine the tissue already removed. I don’t have to do anything. We’ll get the results in a week or two.
IF I DO have chemotherapy, it would take about 3 months with chemo sessions 1x/3wks. The plan is that I would be in chemo for a day, recovering for a couple of days, and then working like normal for a few weeks. So, disruptive, but not horrid. And fairly brief.
I left that office feeling like I’d been given good news, and it was sort of appalling that I felt that way when really all I’d been told was that I’d be waiting for an answer again.
This is one of the cruelties of cancer, your definition of ‘normal’ becomes skewed. I wonder how long it will take for my definition to right itself?