Weekly Silliness: My Dewey Decimal

I had a choice of three, the other two were 060 General organizations & museum science and 013 [Unassigned]. I chose:

Lisa McS’s Dewey Decimal Section:

441 French writing systems & phonology

Lisa McS = 2991339 = 299+133+9 = 441

400 Language

Linguistics and language books.

What it says about you:
You value communication, even with people who are different from you. You like trying new things don’t mind being exposed to unfamiliar territory. You get bored with routines that never change.

Find your Dewey Decimal Section at Spacefem.com


Unassigned (as it turns out) also describes me pretty well:

Lisa McS’s Dewey Decimal Section:

000 Computer Science, Information & General Works

Encyclopedias, magazines, journals and books with quotations.

What it says about you:
You are very informative and up to date. You’re working on living in the here and now, not the past. You go through a lot of changes. When you make a decision you can be very sure of yourself, maybe even stubborn, but your friends appreciate your honesty and resolve.

Find your Dewey Decimal Section at Spacefem.com

Heartsick: Prop. 8 passed

UPDATE: Although the news media is announcing that Prop 8 passed, apparently as many as 2 million more votes (absentee) still need to be counted.

This is an oportunity to make magic. If you believe in human rights, please send a little energy (or a lot, as you see fit) to work some juju and see this rude, nasty, discriminatory proposition rejected. Every vote counts, and magic works best behind the scene.

Pass this along. Spread the word. Send the energy.


Apparently California has approved the ban on same-sex marriages. To paraphrase what one person said, so eloquently: The rights of farm animals were protected and the rights of humans rejected.

Maybe its time we came at this from the other direction? Maybe its time to make marriage the truly religious sacrament that the supporters of male-female only people make it out to be. Eliminate all benefits: visitation rigths, taxes, automatically benefiting from the partner’s death . . . all of it.

That would go a long way towards healing the discrimination. Because it is discrimination. And it stinks.

2008 Litany of the Dead

Samhain Litany of the Dead

October 29, 2008 CE

Dagonet Dewr, Compiler – dagonet.dewr@gmail.com

Celayne, Co-Compiler

Feel free to reproduce with attribution

As always, this is done by research and accumulating information throughout the year. I may have — no, I’ll guarantee I did — miss people, especially in the Pagan section. For that, I apologize in advance.

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Dark Lightning

I’ve disliked my tradition’s Samhain ritual for years. YEARS. Its got a vaguely condescending tone to large swathes of it, it doesn’t show so much as TELL, there are bits that don’t align with anything else in our mythos, and — worst of all — it is incredibly wordy. (Less of a problem in person, but online — deadly!)

Since last year, yes a full year, I’ve had it on my ‘to do’ list to rewwrite the Samhain ritual. Let me just point out that I am not a procrastinator. But I am at the mercy of the Muse and although I tried to tackle this task a number of times throughout the year, I failed. I had conversations with various people. I researched alternate styles and methodlogies and mythos’.

I failed.

Today, at 1:30 — a mere five hours before we were to gather in preparation for the ritual — the Muse came to visit. Two hours later I had a completely redone ritual. Completely.

And you know what? Its damn good. (and I don’t say that lightly.)

Many blessings, Muse. Many thanks.

My Johari Window

The Johari Window was invented by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in the 1950s as a model for mapping personality awareness. By describing yourself from a fixed list of adjectives, then asking your friends and colleagues to describe you from the same list, a grid of overlap and difference can be built up.

Which words do you associate with me? http://kevan.org/johari?name=Lisa+Mc+Sherry

I’m interested for a variety of reasons — and you know I can take criticism. I promise I’ll share the results (presuming more than five people reply 🙂 otherwise it isn’t terribly valid.)

Samhain: Season of the Witch

The Season of the Witch – what on earth does that mean? Traditionally, Samhain (pronounced SOW-in or SOW-aine and which non-Pagans call Halloween) is the celebration of the end of the old year and the beginning of the new. The word comes to us from Old Irish word for the month beginning on November 1. The feast celebrates the end of the harvest – a huge effort for agricultural communities as they rushed to gather the grain and fruit (August and September) and then slaughter the meat needed for the harsh winter months (October). Once that was over, they could rest and throw a party.

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Strength, Preparation, and Muay Thai

(this is sparked by a colleague’s LJ post — it’s locked, or I would share).

I think just about everyone should take classes in Muay Thai — particularly anyone who believes they are weak, or helpless. MT is a dynamic, strength-building, flexibility-enhancing sport that builds mental and physical capability. Participants end up with the cardio workout of an aerobics or high-energy dance class and the strength-building of lifting weights. Moreover, you learn what fighting feels like in a safe environment. Bruised knuckles, aching jaw, sore elbows, and aching muscles all over — sounds like a typical post-MT feeling, even if you’re using pads and protection. It just happens.

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10 Commandments: My Version

ysabetwordsmith posted (from another LJ) the “10 commandments of Coyote” and I found them amusing. They inspired me to do the following:

1. I am the Divine; by whatever name you shall call Me, I AM

2. Worship Me, not My image.

3. My name — any one of them — is Sacred; to speak it is to invoke Me.

4. Keep the holy days in ways that are pleasing to Me.

5. Honor those who raised you.

6. Take not the life of a sentient being.

7. Engage only in consensual adult sexual pleasures.

8. Take not another’s earnings.

9. Do not lie.

10. Eschew envy.

Democrats v Republicans: Do the Math

This article: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/31/business/31view.html?_r=2&em&oref=slogin&oref=slogin does a very good job of breaking down the presidential candidates economic policies.

But this post (http://yaforobama.ning.com/profiles/blog/show?id=2246335%3ABlogPost%3A8502) from Scott Westerfield walks the reader through the economic history of Republicans and Democrats.

Its hard to imagine the difference being this easily seen, but it is.