Imagine this:
It is five thousand years ago, the wheel isn’t invented, the Great Pryamid at Giza hasn’t been built yet, nor Stonehenge. Your people have come across a lovely valley next to a river on the eastern side of the island we know call Ireland. The valley is ideal and you choose to settle here, farming the land and building the wood and hide structures you call home.
The sun is vital to your daily life, and is accorded the highest respect and worship. Its rhythm dictates yours each and every day. During the long summer months you work long days, during the short days of winter you and your tribe tell stories, make plans, and keep death at bay. You spend several years watching the stars and measuring the sun’s progress, making sure you understand the path of the sun.
The day comes, and the tribe gathers. You will build a monument, a ceremonial structure to honor the Lifesource. The tribe talks about what it will look like, where it will be placed, how long it will take to build. In the end they agree, and commit themselves, their children, and their children’s children to the 30 year endeavor.
And lo! Newgrange was built.