Full Moon in Aries: A Ritual to Manifest An Ideal Scenario

This ritual was intended to be a test of our new ‘live’ class technology (Zoom), all but one other participant couldn’t make it. So I did the ritual on my own. I’ve already seen results as two former coven members have come forward and asked to be mentors with us in the coming year.

I love it when magick manifests!

Manifesting an Ideal Scenario

Materials needed:
•    Three candles
•    Paper
•    A writing instrument


I tidied my altar, the cats had been visiting earlier this week. They never break anything, but small objects are moved and things become disarrayed. Then I sat for a few moments, centering myself and getting into a ritual frame of mind.

Creating Sacred Space
Athame in hand, I stood facing East and traced a pentagram in the air inviting the Guardians of the East to join me in my circle.

I turned to my right facing South and traced a pentagram in the air inviting the Guardians of the South to join me in my circle.

I turned to my right facing West and traced a pentagram in the air inviting the Guardians of the West to join me in my circle.

I turned to my right facing North and traced a pentagram in the air inviting the Guardians of the North to join me in my circle.

Then I turned once more, closing the circle and was between the worlds.

Laying my athame down, I stepped to the center of my circle and raised my arms wide. With joy and reverence I invited the Goddess to join me.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I called to the God, inviting Him to my circle with glad respect.

My circle thrummed with Power, a sphere of Presences.

Magick Working

Lighting a candle, I intently said:
I ask for change
that is my right
open the way
clear my sight.

Lighting another candle, I intently said:
Good luck is mine
and prosperity,
Help me Great Ones,
join with me.

Lighting a third candle, I intently said:
Opportunity, work,
rewards I see,
As I will
So Mote it Be!

By candlelight I took a piece of paper from under my pentacle, and a pen from next to my incense burner. Taking a deep breath and centering myself more completely, I found the still point of complete balance and calm.

I wrote in large perfectly formed letters: Let me have the support I need to create a wonderful class

Under that I described what that might mean. Various scenarios and situations. All in the present tense, and always with language that allows the God and Goddess to make it even better than I can imagine.

When I finished, I contemplated my words, my desires, and then said: “This, or something better, is now manifesting for me in satisfying and harmonious ways.”

For a time I sat quietly, visualizing that ideal scene I had created in words. I focused on making as many details as possible clear. Then, when it felt appropriate, I began to chant:
“I create my life as I wish it to be.”

I felt the power build, my voice brought the power in the circle into focus, and then built it, like sticks in a fire.
I felt the energy peak and then thrust the energy OUT into the Universe.


Gratefully, I thanked the Lord & Lady for Their presence in my circle. Then the Guardians for their assistance.

The candles burned through the night.



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