Ritual Notes: FMR in Aquarius

It was a good ritual — some real surges of energy at the right moments. (Always a good sign.)

We called the Lord and Lady in their aspects as justice bringers and visualized ourselves as becoming full of life energy to be directed at our purpose. When we were brimming full of that energy we placed our cause into an iron cauldron (dark and heavy with the weight of the injustice). As we did so, the iron was transmuted . .  slowly it became labridodite, the stone of many colors. When the cauldron was completely transformed, I grasped the rim and pulled. The cauldron unraveled into a rope of stone, shining with energy and shimmering colors. We handed the stone rope around the circle until we were all connected, then chanted to key the energy. When we were done, we threw the rope up into the air, where it dispersed to do our will.

We all then pledged to do something on the physical plane to support our cause. Write a letter, donate time, send money, SOMETHING, within this next moon cycle. So Mote it Be.

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