Author Archives: lisa

11/20 dream (notes)

I had a dream last night . . . I was walking through a city (Berkeley perhaps) and many people recognized me, even though I had no idea who they were. They complimented me non various things (looking good!, love your outfit!, great work!) without ever being specific.

I came to realize that I was wearing my celtic moon pendant and earrings, and that these were *witches* reaching out to me, recognizing me as one of their own.

Fitness: Nov 11-17

This week . . .

Sunday: Walked a mile in the morning (also: does housecleaning count?)

Monday: Walked a mile in the morning

Tuesday: Muay Thai — 45 mins

Wednesday: Pilates (reformer) — 60 mins

Thursday: nothing 🙁

Friday: Walked a mile in the morning

Saturday: Walked a mile in the morning; Muay Thai, 45 mins

Animal Antics

So it’s fireplace season, and Kit has discovered the joys of basking in the fire’s glow. (Roland and Sasha don’t care for it).

Kit really likes to stretch out to maximize the heat absorption.

They are getting along much better, although Sasha can be a real pain in the butt sometimes.

Fitness Update: Nov 4-10, 2012

My good friend Jeremy is participating in the Morning Mile Challenge. For a variety of reasons, I am not (notably, I need every bit of sleep, and I’m on the road at 5:30am to get to work). But I like the idea, and J. is on board with it as well. So on the days I am not already working out, we walk a mile with Sasha in the morning.

I’m also going to try posting it here, in the public eye, to see if that will help keep me on track with my plans.

This week . . .

Sunday: climbed a ramp and lots of stairs for an estimated 30 mins of cardio; also walked a mile in the morning

Monday: Walked a mile in the morning

Tuesday: Muay Thai — 30 mns (I was very tired, and we were both distracted so although I spent an hour there, I was not going at it the whole time.)

Wednesday: Pilates (reformer) — 60 mins

Thursday: nothing 🙁

Friday: Walked a mile in the morning

Satuday: Walked 1/2 a mile in the morning  (took a spill and potetnially pulled a muscle in my leg — took it easy the rest of the day)


Sorry About That!

Whoops. I didn’t mean for the blog to go unwritten for so long. It just ended up that way. So let me catch you up and what’s been happening.

I had a mammogram in late August — nothign to see! (Always good news.)

I celebrated my 45th birthday with friends at a lovely dim sum lunch. First time for many people, and it was a great experience. We found a place that does orders, rather than carts, so it was a fresher, tastier, experience.

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Herbal Vinegars: A Healthy & Tasty Addition to Your Diet

Vinegar infused with a variety of herbs makes a wonderful addition to your health regime. The word vinegar comes from the French vin aigre, which means “sour wine.” When air is exposed to fermented liquid, bacterial activity occurs and the result is acetic acid or sour vinegar. These are different from culinary vinegar in that the long infusion time allows the medicinal benefits of the herbs to move into the liquid, in the culinary version, its just the flavor.

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In the words of a wise man . . .

“Because religious belief, or non-belief, is such an important part of every person’s life, freedom of religion affects every individual. Religious institutions that use government power in support of themselves and force their views on persons of other faiths, or of no faith, undermine all our civil rights. Moreover, state support of an established religion tends to make the clergy unresponsive to their own people, and leads to corruption within religion itself. Erecting the “wall of separation between church and state,” therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society.”

~Thomas Jefferson.