Category Archives: Magick

You haven’t missed much . . .

. . . I just got too busy to write for awhile, which is a little strange. Not the too busy part, but the not writing part. Although, I am working on a writing project, more on that in 2020 when I’ve found a publisher. Every day, for at least an hour, I’m writing. My goal is a chapter-like-subject every week. According to my outline I’ll be done next summer.

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JaguarMoon Grows

This last week has been full of ritual.

On Wednesday we held our Samhain ritual with the Art of Ritual class, finishing our year-long cycle of solar celebrations. Then on Friday we ritually closed the class, as we do every year. (It is a huge shift when we release everyone who participated in the class.)

Gloriously, on the Sunday following we Dedicated three new members to the coven. It’s always a pleasure to bring new members in. I look forward to seeing what they bring, and how they change our energy.

Next year JaguarMoon turns 20 . . . and we have plans!

Current and Future Goals and Dreams (2019-20)

Each year I like to look back over the previous year, and then set goals for the coming year. Many people do this on Jan 1st; I prefer to do it on my birthday. I often refine the accomplishments and goals until my new year, Samhain, but the bulk of the work is done on or around my birthday.

To see the post where I look back, click here.

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Reviewing the Year (2018-2019)

Each year I like to look back over the previous year, and then set goals for the coming year. Many people do this on Jan 1st; I prefer to do it on my birthday. I often refine the accomplishments and goals until my new year, Samhain, but the bulk of the work is done on or around my birthday.

This is my review of the past year. to see my goals for the coming year, click here.

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Going on in the Background

This year seems to be focusing on life changes in and around work. It’s pretty stressful and I don’t want to talk about it yet — so I’ve been quiet.

But I have been busy with personal projects, notably re-working a number of Art of Ritual lessons that were bugging me. In this case, bugging means that they were fundamentally fine lessons, but flawed. I knew they could be better, but didn’t have a sense of how to make them better.

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